Source code for sandman2.service

"""Automatically generated REST API services from SQLAlchemy
ORM models or a database introspection."""

# Third-party imports
from flask import request, make_response
import flask
from flask.views import MethodView
from sqlalchemy import asc, desc

# Application imports
from sandman2.exception import NotFoundException, BadRequestException
from sandman2.model import db
from sandman2.decorators import etag, validate_fields

def add_link_headers(response, links):
    """Return *response* with the proper link headers set, based on the contents
    of *links*.

    :param response: :class:`flask.Response` response object for links to be
    :param dict links: Dictionary of links to be added
    :rtype :class:`flask.Response` :
    link_string = '<{}>; rel=self'.format(links['self'])
    for link in links.values():
        link_string += ', <{}>; rel=related'.format(link)
    response.headers['Link'] = link_string
    return response

def jsonify(resource):
    """Return a Flask ``Response`` object containing a
    JSON representation of *resource*.

    :param resource: The resource to act as the basis of the response

    response = flask.jsonify(resource.to_dict())
    response = add_link_headers(response, resource.links())
    return response

def is_valid_method(model, resource=None):
    """Return the error message to be sent to the client if the current
    request passes fails any user-defined validation."""
    validation_function_name = 'is_valid_{}'.format(
    if hasattr(model, validation_function_name):
        return getattr(model, validation_function_name)(request, resource)

[docs]class Service(MethodView): """The *Service* class is a generic extension of Flask's *MethodView*, providing default RESTful functionality for a given ORM resource. Each service has an associated *__model__* attribute which represents the ORM resource it exposes. Services are JSON-only. HTML-based representation is available through the admin interface. """ #: The sandman2.model.Model-derived class to expose __model__ = None #: The string used to describe the elements when a collection is #: returned. __json_collection_name__ = 'resources'
[docs] def delete(self, resource_id): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from a HTTP DELETE call. :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().delete(resource) db.session().commit() return self._no_content_response()
[docs] @etag def get(self, resource_id=None): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from an HTTP GET call. If *resource_id* is provided, return just the single resource. Otherwise, return the full collection. :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ if request.path.endswith('meta'): return self._meta() if resource_id is None: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) if 'export' in request.args: return self._export(self._all_resources()) return flask.jsonify({ self.__json_collection_name__: self._all_resources() }) else: resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) return jsonify(resource)
[docs] def patch(self, resource_id): """Return an HTTP response object resulting from an HTTP PATCH call. :returns: ``HTTP 200`` if the resource already exists :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed :returns: ``HTTP 404`` if the resource is not found :param resource_id: The value of the resource's primary key """ resource = self._resource(resource_id) error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) if not request.json: raise BadRequestException('No JSON data received') resource.update(request.json) db.session().merge(resource) db.session().commit() return jsonify(resource)
[docs] @validate_fields def post(self): """Return the JSON representation of a new resource created through an HTTP POST call. :returns: ``HTTP 201`` if a resource is properly created :returns: ``HTTP 204`` if the resource already exists :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed or missing data """ resource = self.__model__.query.filter_by(**request.json).first() if resource: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) return self._no_content_response() resource = self.__model__(**request.json) # pylint: disable=not-callable error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().add(resource) db.session().commit() return self._created_response(resource)
[docs] def put(self, resource_id): """Return the JSON representation of a new resource created or updated through an HTTP PUT call. If resource_id is not provided, it is assumed the primary key field is included and a totally new resource is created. Otherwise, the existing resource referred to by *resource_id* is updated with the provided JSON data. This method is idempotent. :returns: ``HTTP 201`` if a new resource is created :returns: ``HTTP 200`` if a resource is updated :returns: ``HTTP 400`` if the request is malformed or missing data """ resource = self.__model__.query.get(resource_id) if resource: error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) resource.update(request.json) db.session().merge(resource) db.session().commit() return jsonify(resource) resource = self.__model__(**request.json) # pylint: disable=not-callable error_message = is_valid_method(self.__model__, resource) if error_message: raise BadRequestException(error_message) db.session().add(resource) db.session().commit() return self._created_response(resource)
def _meta(self): """Return a description of this resource as reported by the database.""" return flask.jsonify(self.__model__.description()) def _resource(self, resource_id): """Return the ``sandman2.model.Model`` instance with the given *resource_id*. :rtype: :class:`sandman2.model.Model` """ resource = self.__model__.query.get(resource_id) if not resource: raise NotFoundException() return resource def _all_resources(self): """Return the complete collection of resources as a list of dictionaries. :rtype: :class:`sandman2.model.Model` """ queryset = self.__model__.query args = {k: v for (k, v) in request.args.items() if k not in ('page', 'export')} limit = None if args: filters = [] order = [] for key, value in args.items(): if value.startswith('%'): filters.append(getattr(self.__model__, key).like(str(value), escape='/')) elif key == 'sort': direction = desc if value.startswith('-') else asc order.append(direction(getattr(self.__model__, value.lstrip('-')))) elif key == 'limit': limit = int(value) elif hasattr(self.__model__, key): filters.append(getattr(self.__model__, key) == value) else: raise BadRequestException('Invalid field [{}]'.format(key)) queryset = queryset.filter(*filters).order_by(*order) if 'page' in request.args: resources = queryset.paginate(page=int(request.args['page']), per_page=limit).items else: queryset = queryset.limit(limit) resources = queryset.all() return [r.to_dict() for r in resources] def _export(self, collection): """Return a CSV of the resources in *collection*. :param list collection: A list of resources represented by dicts """ fieldnames = collection[0].keys() faux_csv = ','.join(fieldnames) + '\r\n' for resource in collection: faux_csv += ','.join((str(x) for x in resource.values())) + '\r\n' response = make_response(faux_csv) response.mimetype = 'text/csv' return response @staticmethod def _no_content_response(): """Return an HTTP 204 "No Content" response. :returns: HTTP Response """ response = make_response() response.status_code = 204 return response @staticmethod def _created_response(resource): """Return an HTTP 201 "Created" response. :returns: HTTP Response """ response = jsonify(resource) response.status_code = 201 return response